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About St Michael’s Church

About St Michael’s Church

The church of St Michael's, has many historical links to Newburgh Priory, sitting at the western end of the local village of Coxwold. The current perpendicular style church was built in 1420-30 and is an unusually elegant church for the area, with a most impressive octagonal tower. 

The Church boasts an unusual tongue-shaped alter rail which increased the amount of space available for Communion services in a chancel. Also within this space are four monuments to the Belasis family, the Earl Fauconberg, previous owners of Newburgh Priory.

The church sits side-on to the main street, on a slight rise, making it visually rather imposing. The long grave yard stretches out behind the church, now running back beyond the village gardens. 

The church's most famous vicar was Laurence Sterne, the author of Tristram Shandy. He published the first two volumes of this nine volume book in 1759 and was appointed as curate of Coxwold in 1760 as a reward for his work. He wrote the remaining seven volumes of the book while he lived at Coxwold. Laurence Sterne’s house Shandy Hall can also be visited in Coxwold.  The church is open daily and you can check the church service times here before travelling to a service. 

Rector: The Revd Liz Hassall, 01347 822809,

The church might also be available for Weddings at Newburgh Priory.

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